Banyan Event Types

Webhooks can be registered for both the Enrich and Confirm for CLO products. For Enrich, you would be able to receive enriched transactions as Banyan's algorithm matches them. For CLO, you could subscribe to both fulfilled and unfulfilled offer redemptions.

Event TypeDescriptionAdditional Notes
enrich.enriched_transactionThis event will provide both the transaction you sent back to Banyan and the reciept contents that were matched to it. There is also meta data around match timestamp and enriched transaction ID that will assist with dealing with duplicate records.
confirm.clo.offer_redemption_fulfilledThis event will provide the enriched transaction after a match in addition to the offer details and "result" of the offer assessment. If the offer requirements were fulfilled and there was allowance left for this specific user to receive the reward, it will be categorized as this event type.Relevant only for Card Linked Offer campaigns run through Banyan
confirm.clo.offer_redemption_unfulfilledThis event will provide the enriched transaction after a match in addition to the offer details and "result" of the offer assessment. If the offer requirements were not fulfilled or there wasn't allowance left for this specific user to receive the reward, it will be categorized as this event type.Relevant only for Card Linked Offer campaigns run through Banyan

What’s Next

Learn about different event types