FAQ Offer Redemption Data
Why does my offer say it was fulfilled, but fulfillment count is 0?
The fulfillment count was the state of fulfillments for that offer and consumer token combination before the current offer redemption was generated. Banyan does this so that if the repeat_amount allowed for an offer has already been reached, you can see that within the offer redemption and know why it wasn't fulfilled.
Why did I receive a new offer redemption for the same transaction I sent in?
Banyan processes and rematches every transaction it receives. If you send in the same transaction again, it will process it again and may even match to a new receipt. If this does happen, the API will always show you the state of the most recent matched receipt.
Why didn't I receive any offer redemption for a transaction I sent in?
Banyan will only send an offer redemption record if a match was successful between the transaction and our receipt corpus. Either your confidence threshold was not met on the match, or we couldn't find even a low quality match on your transaction. There are also times where there is a set of transactions that aren't included in our receipt data for a given merchant, i.e., web purchases or third party delivery services.
Updated about 2 months ago