Offer Creation FAQs
How to navigate setting up your offers and campaigns
Question: I want to give a flat reward (e.g. , Get $10 back if you spend at least $50). Is that possible with Banyan's inputs?
Yes! In using the example in the question, you would set the maximum_amount_bank
to $10, set the amount_back_per_dollar
to .2 and the minimum spend
to $50.
Question: Do I still need to set up a campaign if I never have more than one offer running at a time?
Yes, Banyan's offers require a "parent" campaign that it belongs to. Even if you always have a 1:1 campaign to offer ratio, there needs to be a campaign in our system for tracking and billing purposes.
Question: Can a merchant have always-on and non-always-on offers at the same time?
Yes, the transaction will automatically be analyzed for both sets of offers. The non-always on offer will need to be assessed alongside of an activation, but Banyan does not restrict one transaction to only qualify for one offer at a time. If two are relevant, both will receive offer redemptions with the potential for fulfiillment.
Is there a way to save my settings for including/excluding skus/categories to be used on another offer?
While we don't have a way to save a configuration, we do have the option to duplicate an offer, which would let you copy the settings you had from one offer into a new offer.
Updated 22 days ago