Batch: Amazon S3


In order to integrate with Banyan's AWS solution, you will be using the AWS CLI sync command.

What we'll need from you

If your data is located in S3

This option is for situations where you have your files already in S3, and would like to move them from your bucket to ours.

  • Company Name
  • AWS Account ID
  • The bucket name of the data that will be copied over
  • The KMS Key ARN if your data is encrypted at rest

If the location is other then S3

This option is for situations where your data is on a drive or database and can be copied directly from a server.

  • Company Name
  • AWS Account ID

Creating a IAM user

Before you can assume the IAM Role created for your company, you have to create an IAM user which will be used by you to assume the set role. Since the role that we make references the IAM username, and the AWS Account ID that you provided us.

Navigate to the IAM console,

  1. create a new user named banyan_input_s3.
  2. Select programmatic access,
  3. Hit next until you are shown your security credentials. Be sure to record them safely.
  4. Once the user is created, attach the following inline policy.